Thursday, 23 July 2009

Adventures in Pregnancy - 34 weeks, 4 days

I have been a bad little blogger lately... I have started so many posts and have ended up just wandering away. Apparently I'm suffering from an attention span issue.... well worse that usual...

What's new....

Well my feet and ankles look like Mickey Mouse feet. I've always had very slim, defined ankles and I'm verging into cankle land... when the calf melts into your foot. Ew...

I have had a dream that I have given birth to 7 deformed babies... which then turned into 7 horrible deformed kittens... extra legs, zigzagged spines and conjoined in ways that no creature should every be conjoined.

I had another dream that one of my cousins took some sort of offense to my mother's father and went to the UK and killed everyone with his last name.... busy girl!!

I chopped my hair off for something with less weight and work... now I have to spend an extra 15 minutes a morning blow drying and straightening it... guess I should have thought that out a little better.... but it is way cooler.

Food has lost almost all interest to me... I'm now eating out of necessity only. I think my stomach is the size of a pea.... which is ironically the same size as my bladder.

I'm in the process of training my replacement... she's gonna do great!! The only goal is to stay working until she is trained... I have promised to keep my legs crossed for 2 more weeks so no baby falls out and ruins the plan.

Latest trip to prenatal... the doctor finds a heart beat on both sides of my tummy... and asks.... "Are we sure there is only one in there?" My heart drops and Cory just about bounces out of his chair with joy. She couldn't tell if the lump under my ribs is head or bum so it looks like another ultrasound in a week or so to determine position.

I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions at a pretty regular irregular intervals... everyone is saying that I've dropped... I guess the clock is ticking... I REALLY need to finish watching that Laugh and Learn about child birth video...

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