Sunday, 6 September 2009

Adventures in Pregnancy - 41 weeks, 1 day

I am now on "one day at a time" watch. Yesterdays non-stress test looked about the same as the day before. Connor's heart rate continues to race between 170 and 185 but his activity level matches his heart rate... the test did not pick up a single contraction although I am certain that they happened... I think the monitor was a little bit too high on my belly. Fortunately, I'm now on daily non-stress tests so I can try to correct that today.

The doctor checked my cervix and found that it is still quite high... he figures 50% effaced and closed.

The hospital is a baby factory right now... 3 babies were born on Friday night, 3 more were in for delivery on Saturday and 3 more were driving around the block circling the hospital looking for a room at the Inn... it is a general guess that the only reason I haven't been induced yet is that they wouldn't have a place to put me. Once this crop is cleared, I'm guessing an induction is in my future. For now, it is status quo...

5 days since due date...

1 comment:

Tina said...

Oh you poor thing! Not long now. I keep checking for updates! You need one final belly pic before you pop!