Sunday, 1 February 2009

Adventures in Pregnancy - 10 Weeks, 1 day

This week I finally told my boss that I was pregnant. It went well, especially since she had already guessed that I was pregnant... she said I was wearing baggier clothing lately, she saw me eating a cracker and the biggest symptom was that I called in sick. She seemed very excited for me.

It's a good thing that I'm finally out in the open as I don't own a single pair of pants that fit anymore. I did some soul searching and thought about going out and buying the next size up but I realized that I would just be throwing out good money as they would only fit for another few weeks. I bit the bullet and purchased some maternity pants. I got 2 pairs of dress pants and a pair of jeans. It's not enough to get me through a work week yet but a good start. I've got my fingers crossed for some "hand-me-downs" to cover the gap. I'm gonna head over to the used clothing store in the neighbourhood and see what I can find as well.

Tomorrow is my first round of blood work and second prenatal appointment. I also have swung into my week night shift rotation. It should be a horrifically long week.

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