Sunday, 31 May 2009

Adventures of Pregnancy - 27 weeks, 1 days

So this is the last week of my second trimester.  Now that I'm entering my third trimester, all those tales about pregnancy are starting to ring true.  My ribs hurt constantly... especially along my bra line on the right side.  Cory can rub the muscles out and in minutes, it is right back to square one.  My low back starts to hurt easily.  Laying on my back seems to make that worse... I'm tired of sleeping on my side only... this is gonna be a long trimester.

I've been having dreams that the baby is born.  The first one, it turned out that the baby was a girl instead of a boy and we forgot to tell anyone.  Then the rest of the dream was me losing the baby all over the place and forgetting to feed her.  So I woke up feeling rather ill prepared for a baby.

Last night, I had a dream that the baby was born except it was one of my cats at his full grown size.  Mind you he is the one that most generally gets called baby boy when he snuggles and he is the sweetest... but putting a diaper on him was challenging and breast feeding was a nightmare.  Cory agrees with me that after all this, I better end up with AT LEAST a human baby.

I seem to have picked up a new pregnancy symptom (or at least I'm blaming it).  I take an antidepressant.  Have been for years.  When I don't take it, I get anxious and quick to anger.  It feels like my pills have completely stopped working.  I call it festering.  I find something that pisses me off and I fester on it... it blows completely out of proportion, increasing my anxiety level and makes me want to lash out.  

At least, I identify that I'm doing it and try to turn off the festering but that is easier said that done.  I know I'm just being hypersensitive.  I am able to prevent the lash out unless I'm cornered by the source of the festering.  It's a lot of mental exhaustion and tongue biting.  It makes me want to hibernate... I'm so tired.

1 comment:

Rob, Tina and the boys said...

Oh my. I couldn't help but laugh at the mental image of you trying to diaper and nurse a cat. hehehe.