Monday, 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas - Part One

Merry Christmas everyone.

Part One of our holiday festivities is the evening with my family. My mother, Sarah and Iain came to our place for some eatin' and rippin'. Christmas Eve is also Cory's birthday so he makes out like a bandit.

We had a fantastic night. We ate Roast Prime Rib, yorkshire pudding, fresh veggies and mashed sweet potatoes.... then we had apple pecan pie with vanilla ice cream. I am so full even hours after the meal.

We exchanged gifts... I got a laptop (using it now), a digital camcorder and a veterinarian text book on feline medicine to name a few. I have been playing with the laptop for hours, Cory has mastered the camcorder and I know the blood volume of a cat is 20-25 ml/kg less than a dog.

Tomorrow is dedicated to Cory's family. Morning with one grandmother, Cory's mom and step father, Dave. Then to Cor's other grandmothers for a few hours before supper. Part two will be tomorrow....


jen said...

Merry Christmas Shelagh! Hope you have a white Christmas, I will mentally be sending down snow!

Anonymous said...

Wow! - now you perform surgical procedures on your cats, video it and put it on Youtube. I'm particularly looking forward to 'anal gland fluid expression II' - I'll get popcorn in.

Thank you for a lovely evening, Shelagh. I forgot to wish Cory a happy birthday - pass on my best wishes. it's so difficult when people insist on having birthdays around the same time as the son of God. love and best wishes, Sarah