Sunday, 29 March 2009

Adventures in Pregnancy - 18 Weeks, 1 day

Other than the fall, this week was pretty unfantastic, pregnancy wise. Still having loads of round ligament pain especially when I roll over in bed. It also seems to kick up when I "overextend" myself... extra long puppy walks, carrying laundry... I have my next prenatal appointment tomorrow for my monthly check up and 10 more days til my next ultrasound.

On my normal life front, we observed Earth Hour last night. A friend came over and we played "Master Labyrinth". The first time Cory and I played this game, I can recall the game being so difficult that I feared I was going to stroke out trying to plan my next move. We had never played with 3 people and it was the first time for our friend. It doesn't improve in difficult by candlelight. We had a good time, the game lasted longer than the hour and, of course, I won the title of Master Wizard!

The Weather has finally taken a turn for the better. The glacier on my lawn is receding and we chipped all the ice out of half of the driveway. One of my bushes in the garden doesn't appear to have made it through the winter. It's looking a bit crushed and stinks to high heavens. The front garden took a lot of moved snow... I am thinking it might have to be removed and grass seeded, but that depends on my energy level and enthusiasm. (read: not bloody likely unless Cory does it.) Mount Poop has to be addressed first I guess although Cory took a big chunk out of it today until the bag broke. Ewwwwwww!!

This week I'm on the 3 PM to midnight shift. I like being able to sleep in but it sucks to not see Cory for almost a whole week. He is working 9-5 so other than meal breaks, it's a lonely week. Fortunately I only do these once every 8 weeks....

1 comment:

18 weeks pregnant said...

Wow! Similar thought hit to my mind when I was 11 weeks pregnant. I was going to the doctor and had plenty of visuals coming in my mind. I was nervous and worried a lot, my husband hold my hand and advised me to take a deep breathe. I did so, my feelings later vanished after seeing the Ultra sound report.